Hi. My name is Dave, and I created Daily Nanny. I figured I'd use our first blog to tell the story of our existence.
I am a dad. I am also a software engineer. Like I imagine happens with probably all parents ever, my wife Jen and I had our first child and started thinking about all the products and services that would make our lives easier. There are so many solutions out there, like bottle warmers and spoons that screw into pouches and cloth thingies specially designed to fit in shopping carts and sleeping sacks that make your kid look like a flying squirrel:

There are also endless apps, like tracking breast feeding and weight and poops and behavior and rashes and the list goes on and on. Jen and I have tried a ton of them. We had ideas for products and apps that would make our lives easier, but no means to create them.
Then we put our daughter into daycare, and hated the fact that we had no idea what she was doing all day. We started Daily Nanny, which is a service that daycares can use to keep parents in the loop. We have some schools on board, and we won some awards, and then we had a son! We ended up using a nanny for our son, and took our daughter out of full time daycare. The same problems that existed in daycares were plaguing us with our nanny.
We wanted more interaction with our nanny. I was tired of my wife getting pictures in text, and most if not all communication going through her. And Jen wanted more details about our kids' days. Plus, there was the headache of keeping track of working hours and what we owe our nanny.
I was not a mobile app developer at the time, Cubby Notes is run on the web. But I knew that an app that nannies and parents use needs to be on their phones. So I set out to learn how to do it.
About 6 months later, we were ready to launch. And now here we are. The app has already changed our lives, and we are so excited to get this in the hands of nannies and parents everywhere.
Feel free to reach out to us with any questions.