We have changed our name to Daily Nanny! We were Pocket Nanny, but are no longer. Here's the story of why we changed our name.
It might help to know a little bit about our company before getting into why we changed our name. The short version is this: Jen and I became parents, had trouble with other people caring for our kids when we went back to work, so I set out to create a technological solution to our problems, me being a developer. So we started a company but had no idea what we were doing.

We decided to create a native mobile app, which was quite an endeavor for a web developer who had never done it before. But in my free time, I learned a new framework, and created a mobile app for parents and nannies. I was so busy with having 2 kids, a full time job, and trying to get this app out the door that I naturally had to let other things go and hope for the best.
Then one sunny day I see a FedEx guy walking up to our door with a document sized delivery. He rings the doorbell, which any parent of a 1 year knows is a big no-no, but that means he wants a signature. When someone needs a signature for a document sized package its usually either really great or really bad. So I go sign for it, open it up, then my stomach drops. We failed to investigate existing trademarks on the name "Pocket Nanny."

We of course have no money to go to court, so we scrambled. And here we are. New name, new trademark, and finally ready to start telling the world about our awesome app Daily Nanny.